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  Children's Ministry Place - Training DVD for Teachers

Reaching Children for Christ

Child Evangelism Training

by Lisa (Panasuk) Quade

For 22 years, Lisa raised sheep and loved to nurture the lambs on her family's small farm in Oregon. This unique experience has given her many insights into the Master Shepherd’s way of working with children. Now, her highest joy is sharing the pure milk of God’s Word with His “real” lambs and holding training workshops for His “real” shepherds.

Watch the 1st message of this six part series online: (Please note: due to the large file size of online video, this program will really only work for people who have hispeed internet access.)

More Information
This DVD series contains fresh methods, practical examples and effective tools for:

  •making children eager to study their Bibles
  •achieving discipline that brings obedience from the heart
  •increasing the children's desire to attend every program
    ...and much more.

Lisa’s workshops have become the favorite of many parents, teachers, and leaders throughout North America and the world. NOW you can watch the live training seminar by ordering this 6-part DVD series.

6 Messages on 3 DVD's for $49.95

Order via our Online Store or by PayPal

Child evangelism training made even our adult evangelistic meetings more successful   More...
by Whiteson Sichone, Zambia Africa

"I’ve been teaching the children’s class for many years, but these DVDs taught me so much! Applying the principles I learned has improved my class many times over."
—children’s teacher, Washington State

"I found it helpful to watch how Lisa uses visual aids to help tell the story. It has been a blessing to implement these things into our children’s class at church."
—mother and teacher,
Washington State

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